Kinder World follows accreditation standards as set by the National Association for the Education of Young Children. We have low child/teacher ratios to help your child receive a quality education. We are here to prepare your child for life.
Multiple studies have strongly indicated that quality preschool services significantly improve the likelihood that your child will do well in elementary and high school, your child will go to college, and your child will be employed. These studies have been cited by many states as to why it is important for society that children attend quality preschool programs.
Children participate in many hands-on activities to promote their motor skills. The environment is educational and loving just as it would be at home. Nutritious meals are provided. We perform child assessments twice a year and hold parent conferences in all programs to keep parents informed of their child’s progress. Below is a sample of a child’s day at Kinder World:
All Day Preschool Program
7:30 – 12 p.m. Breakfast, Circle, Learning Centers, Free Play, Lunch
11 – 2 p.m. Nap and On Demand Napping
2 – 5:30 p.m. Story Time, Snack, Free Play
Kinder World participates in the CACFP Food Program
“As the grandma to three Kinder World attendees, past and present, I am completely confident of their well being when they are under the love and supervision of the fantastic staff of Kinder World. Who could do better? Only a grandma!”
-Johnson Family

Kinder World Awards
Early Head Start Program
Look! Kinder World featured in Sacramento Top 10
PACE Best Child Care Center
“All the activities offered helped my son to be ready for kindergarten. Thank you!”
-Preschool Parent
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